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Pia Kleber

Prof. Dr.

has been a Professor of Drama and Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto since 1988. For 20 years she was also the Director of the University College Drama Program. In 1999 she was appointed as the first chair holder of the Helen and Paul Phelan Chair in Drama. Her numerous publications include books on Bertolt Brecht: Exceptions and Rules: Brecht, Planchon and ”The Good Person of Szechwan” and Re-Interpreting Brecht: His Influence on Contemporary Drama and Film (co-edited with Colin Visser). Some of her articles are on “Theatrical Continuities in Giorgio Strehler’s The Tempest” in Foreign Shakespeare; “The Directing methodologies of Giorgio Strehler” in the Shanghai Theatre Academy’s Theatre and Art (translated into Chinese); “Die Courage der Mutter. Am Beispiel von Bertolt Brecht”, in Verklärt, verkitscht, vergessen. Die Mutter als ästhetische Figur. She is presently working on a book about Culture and Human Security. In 2002 she was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz (similar to the Order of Canada) by the German President.

Stand: 2014 (Datum der letzten Veröffentlichung bei Theater der Zeit)



von Pia Kleber



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